Established in 1985, J V Ramanujam & Co., evolved into a niche firm catering to the growing needs of Internal/Management Audits and providing Risk Advisory Services. Subsequently, we started expanding our domain to include various other services with a view to becoming a one point solution centre.

We are a registered Public Accounting firm with Comptroller & Auditor General of India Office, New Delhi having C&AG Firm Registration No: MD0377 We are registered with RBI with URN 190259 as a Category I Firm

“Have conducted Statutory Audit for many PSU’s over the years”
“We’re Central Statutory Auditors for a Nationalized Bank.”

Our Mission

To provide quality service to our clients by focusing on client-specific needs and providing solutions to business problems, thereby adding value through expertise whilst maintaining integrity, professionalism, and independence.

Our Philosophy

We believe and follow the ethical guidelines of ICAI.

We are committed to provide the best quality of the professional services and we have a good track record of adhering to the time schedules and delivering our reports on time. We are extremely particular in delivering dependable and timely responses, focused and issue-based advice and consistent high quality.

Above all, we maintain at all times, the highest professional standards of independence, ethics, integrity and objectivity. We have achieved these high standards in every assignment till date.

Our Profile

We have diligently carried out various assignments from Public and Private sectors in the field of Statutory Audits, Central Statutory Audit of Banks, Concurrent Audits, Internal Audits, Stock and Receivables Audits, Investigative Audits, Design and reviewing of Internal Controls, Ind AS Implementation, GST Implementation etc.

Our team is also involved in Preparing and reviewing income tax returns of individuals and corporate entities, advising and representing before assessment and appellate authorities and assisting in briefing counsels and documentation preparation.

We also provide advisory services on indirect taxation including Central Excise, Customs, Sales Tax, Works Contract Tax, Service Tax etc.,